Friday, October 23, 2009

Episode 19: Literary Tea Recorded Live Reading with Willa Izzo

Episode 19 of the WVW Podcast in which we air the fourth of our patented recorded live readings. (Q: "But if it's recorded, how can it be live?" A: "One of us is asking too many questions.")

This recorded live reading comes from the October 8th session of the Greenbrier Valley Theatre's October Literary Tea series and features Willa Izzo reading from her honorable mention win in the humor category of the 2009 WV Writers Writing Competition. (I'd like to thank Belinda Anderson for recording this session while I was out of state stuffing my face in Austin.)

The Literary Tea series for 2009 continues with a special Kids Tea on October 29 and a community poetry Tea on November 5. These take place at 5:30 p at the Greenbrier Valley Theatre in downtown Lewisburg.

If you're a member or extended friend of WV Writers, Inc. we invite you to submit your own live readings to

DOWNLOAD (Right click and Save Link Target As)
West Virginia Writers Podcast Episode 19

Links mentioned in Podcast:
WV Writers Annual Writing Competition
Greenbrier Valley Theatre
Irish Pub on Washington Street

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