Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This week (shhhh!)

There is a rumor going round, that I may or may not have started, that says this Friday's episode of the WV Writers Podcast will be chock full of information concerning the upcoming Summer Conference.

The rumor mentions something about a full list of presenters being revealed.

It continues that information on guest editors and the pitch and one on one critique sessions they will be conducting will also be revealed.

It goes on to say that workshop descriptions and quite possibly a full schedule are in the works for release in the very near future.

It wraps up that the exact date when registration will be opened is also a revelation to be imparted.

One might say that it will be a very good episode to download and that one would be wise to do so this Friday (or perhaps late Thursday if one subscribes with iTunes).

Just what I heard.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


...our CONTESTCAST 2 episode, marking the half-way point of the 2010 Annual Writing Contest. We'll cover some frequently asked questions, discuss the list of contest judges and reveal some of the categories in which your odds are better for winning.

Join us for Episode 25 this Friday, February 19, right here (or late night Thursday on iTunes).


Friday, February 5, 2010

This Week...

...there is no new podcast. Awww.

Cause the wife and I will off celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. Yay!

Back in a couple.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


For the first new episode of the new year, we'll be talking up the WV Writers Spring Writing Competition 2010. Our guests for this special extra-sized episode will be WV Writers President Terry McNemar and Contest Coordinator Steve Goff.

If you have any questions about the contest, likely they'll be answered as part of this podcast. It also serves as a great introduction to the contest in general. And stick around for the end of the episode when we'll have a sneak preview of some of the guests for the 2010 Summer Conference.

Join us here this Friday for Episode 23.


Friday, December 4, 2009

This week...

No podcast today. In fact, our December podcast schedule may be a bit light due to the holiday season, though there are still some goodies on the way. However, Cat Pleska has informed me that her radio interview with Lee Maynard will be broadcast on WV Public Radio, Monday morning between 7:30 and 8. This is not repeated material from the recordings we used in the podcast, but is a complete standalone interview, as yet unheard, recorded specifically for WV Public Radio.

An expanded version of that interview will also be made available on the WV Public Radio website (along with a mention of the podcast interview).

Check it out Monday morning.

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Friday, October 30, 2009


There is no podcast bonus show this week because things are rather hectic around the Mister Herman studios.

Instead, please accept this picture of a ridiculously cute puppy (the very source of all things hectic, not to mention quite a bit of dog urine.) He may also be a future third-chair co-host for the bonus shows.

Fortunately, he slept through my entire interview with poet Cheryl Denise, who will be our featured guest on the podcast next week.


Monday, October 5, 2009

THIS WEEK... a Recorded Live Reading episode taken from the Greenbrier Valley Theatre's Literary Tea series. This reading was recorded at last week's Literary Tea and features WVW's own Belinda Anderson reading from her two children's book manuscripts that won second and third place in WV Writers 2009 Annual Writing Contest.

That's this Friday, October 9, right here and on iTunes.

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

THIS WEEK: A special podcast tribute to Shirley Young Campbell

This week's podcast will be a special episode celebrating the accomplishments of the Mother of WV Writers, Shirley Young Campbell. Mrs. Campbell was a tireless promoter of the writers of our state and Appalachia beyond. She was also responsible for the initial creation of our organization and served as a guide for it for most of its history.

We'll talk with a few of the people who knew her who can speak to her dedication.

This extra long episode will be posted here this Friday, or get it slightly earlier the night before through iTunes subscription.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

THIS WEEK: "Granny Sue" Holstein Interview

This Friday we will be speaking to Susanna "Granny Sue" Holstein. "Granny Sue" is a noted storyteller who performs and presents workshops at events from Idaho to Virginia for audiences of both children and adults.

A founding member and past president of the West Virginia Storytelling Guild, Granny Sue an active member of the National Storytelling Network and other local and regional storytelling organizations, including West Virginia Writers.

Stop by and hear both stories from and about her craft this Friday, 8/28.

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Monday, August 10, 2009

THIS WEEK: Joey Madia Live Reading

This Friday, the WV Writers Podcast will broadcast its first recorded live reading.

Our subject will be a live reading given by author Joey Madia from his novel Jester Knight.

You can see the trailer for this book by clicking the book cover on the right.

Tune in Friday morning, August 14, for Episode 14 of the WV Writers Podcast.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Next Week: Mary Lucille DeBerry Interview

The July 31 episode of the WVW Podcast will feature an interview with poet Mary Lucille DeBerry, author of the new collection of poems Bertha Butcher's Coat.

The podcast will feature several readings from that work as well as discussions of the techniques Mary Lucille has used to inspire those poems. We'll also talk to Mary Lucille about her discovery of her own obituary.

That's one week from today, July 31.

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